4th Glasgow Cubs and Scouts declared ‘Climate Heroes’

During lockdown we continued to function with outdoor meetings. We adapted our programme to undertake four related ‘Eco Projects’.

  1. We established a community garden in Summerston, built planters and a raised bed and grew 16 kinds of vegetable, which were shared by the Cubs and Scouts
  2. We planted 3kg of wildflower seeds along the verges of the River Kelvin walkway to encourage a growth in the number of bees
  3. We provided all the Cubs and Scouts with litter pickers and undertook a family litter pick as part of ‘Keep Scotland Beautiful to clear litter from the River Kelvin walkway and Maryhill Park
  4. We collected plastic bottle tops and used these to create visual arts displays to highlight the problems caused to our environment by plastic pollution.

Our ‘Eco Projects’ were recognised by Blue Peter and our Cubs and Scouts were declared ‘Climate Heroes’. All our Cubs and Scouts were awarded individual Blue Peter ‘Green Badges’

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